With an extensive presence across the country, ASB Bank is one of New Zealand's leading commercial banks, providing a wide range of banking products and services to more than 1.3 million personal, business and rural customers. As one of the largest providers of financial and insurance services in New Zealand, the ASB Group of companies aims to be 'one step ahead' in terms of both products and service.
How does it do this? Let’s take a look at where ASB came from, what it offers its customers, and how it helps the communities it serves. Lastly, keeping all that in mind, we’ll check out what kind of credit cards it provides so you can decide whether ASB is right for you.
Established back in 1847, Auckland Savings Bank was New Zealand's first savings bank. With a strong focus on its customers, ASB pledged to serve the community, while continuing to grow its business, and helping kiwis to grow as well. Today, ASB says it has accomplished this by refusing to stand still, by continuing to rethink the way people bank and how they interact with their money, and by being not just another ‘bank’.
Over the years, ASB has grown in size and stature. In the 1980s, local savings banks throughout New Zealand amalgamated with ASB at their head, becoming ASB Trust Bank. A few years later, ASB became a full-fledged commercial bank under the name ASB Bank. Shortly after, ASB became a public company, and the bank’s owner sold 75% of its shares to Commonwealth Bank. However, it wasn’t until 2000, that Commonwealth Bank bought the remaining 25% of ASB's shares.
Like many of the big banks, ASB provides community involvement through a variety of community partnerships and sponsorships within the sports and arts worlds, while also supporting a range of charities.
In terms of sports sponsorships, ASB has been the major sponsor of the ASB Classic, New Zealand’s premier tennis event, since 1997. The bank also sponsors the ASB Auckland Marathon, the ASB Christchurch Marathon, the ASB Otago Sports Awards, and Sport Northland and Sport Tasman. ASB is the bank that backs the All Blacks and NZ Rugby, and is a sponsor of the All Blacks, the Black Ferns and the Maori All Blacks, while also being the major sponsor of the New Zealand Falcons, who are New Zealand's only gay and inclusive rugby union team.
Within the fields of arts and culture, ASB sponsors the Auckland Lantern Festival, the annual New Zealand Art Show in Wellington, and ASB Polyfest, a vibrant four-day, family-friendly festival that celebrates traditional Polynesian culture through song, dance and speech. As for community partnerships, these include St John, Starship, Ronald McDonald House Charity New Zealand and Springboard Trust.
On to youth sponsorships, and ASB backs ASB GetWise, New Zealand's largest youth financial literacy programme delivered free to primary and intermediate students, as well as ASB Bright Sparks, an annual tech-education programme that seeks to foster innovation and professional development in Kiwi kids.
Meanwhile, ASB's theatre sponsorships include the ASB Auckland Waterfront Theatre and Auckland Theatre Company, the Isaac Theatre Royal Christchurch and the ASB Theatre Marlborough. As for stadiums and venues, ASB puts its money and its brand name towards Eden Park, New Zealand's largest and most iconic national sports stadium, the ASB Showgrounds, ASB Tennis Centre, The University of Auckland Business School and the ASB Sports Centre in Wellington.
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While ASB’s size allows for extensive community involvement, it also works to the advantage of its customers. For one thing, that size can be beneficial to customers who take comfort from knowing they bank with a big bank. Being with a big bank can also offer more range, providing customers with a greater choice of products than they may find at smaller financial institutions.
Innovation is another thing ASB is known for, offering a number of firsts over the years. For example, in 1969, ASB became the first New Zealand bank to operate an online real-time computer system that linked all of its branches to one central computer. In 1997, it was the first bank in New Zealand to offer internet banking, and one year later it became the first New Zealand bank to provide branch access seven days a week.
In 1999, ASB was the first New Zealand bank to offer internet banking on mobile phones, following that up in 2006 by being the first to offer browser-based mobile banking. In 2010, ASB created a world first with its Virtual Branch on Facebook, followed up by another New Zealand first, launching a live video chat feature with banking specialists in 2012.
If you think ASB could be for you, it’s time to take a closer look at its credit cards. The ASB credit card range can be placed into three categories: low cost, rewards and business.
Focusing on keeping costs down, the ASB Visa Light Card has no ongoing account fee and ASB’s lowest ongoing purchase rate. This type of card would likely suit cardholders who want to save money by using a simple, no frills card, as well as those who carry a balance.
ASB offers a basic rewards card in its ASB Visa Rewards Card and a platinum option in the ASB Visa Platinum Rewards Card. These cards allow cardholders to earn True Rewards dollars on their card spending, which can then be redeemed within the programme on travel, merchandise and gift cards, at programme partners, transferred to an ASB savings account or another member, or gifted to charity.
There are two business cards within ASB’s range. The ASB Visa Business Card offer a no frills option, while the ASB Visa Business Rewards Card basically offers the same features while allowing the accountholder to earn True Rewards dollars on business spending.
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